Saturday, August 2, 2008

This was on Obama's Web Site and ONLY after many complaints it was taken down!

By Kate Smythe-Blake - Jul 19th, 2008 at 10:23 pm EDT

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The kike filth are trying to steal this election from us. But this is our time. The kike live in fear of peace. They fear happiness. The thought of people living happily in peace without killing each other frightens the horde of kike that runs our government. But when pieces of kike use their kike manipulation tactics to stop Barack, it is time to strike back. There is nothing a kike army can do when faced with progressive people who are determined to achieve peace. We will achieve lasting peace.

It is admittedly to the credit of the people who commented on the posting, however, that they took exception to it. The comments suggest that it was in fact reported to the administrators, who did not act on the complaints.

...UPDATE: THE POSTING IN QUESTION WAS DELETED WITHIN 4 HOURS OF THIS PIECE’S APPEARANCE AT ISRAPUNDIT (AND NOWHERE ELSE). This shows that Obama’s campaign has people whose job is to watch this site because it is obviously effective. Note also that the posting was not deleted until it was re-posted outside the Obama site.