Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rev. Wright

Did you see this one? The black man who hates "rich white" people, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright (Obama's friend and confessed mentor) is having a 10,000 + square foot home built by his church in a rich white gated neighborhood. I wonder if he'll have room for Obama in the basement when he loses his bid fo' da "White" House!

Here's the best part, it comes with a 10 million dollar line of credit!
And by the way, where is Uncle Al Sharpton and Jesse the Jackass Jackson. How come they aren't outraged at the comment, "garlic nosed Italians" by Mr. Wright? Hum? Or do they only get outraged at people like Imus for saying nappy headed hoes? I guess if you're black, you can insult anybody you like, do shady business deals, get 1.6 million dollar homes built for you with tax free church money, talk politics at the pulpit, and basically do what ever the hell else you want at the "rich white" tax payers expense!

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